Tag Archives: stimulus

Skies darken for short-term NextGen boost

from NextGov:

Senate aviation leaders from both parties are each proposing to add more than half a billion dollars to the economic stimulus bill to modernize the nation’s air traffic control system.

But, echoing a larger disagreement between the parties in the stimulus talks, whether to offset the new spending or just add to the bill’s overall cost is keeping Commerce Chairman John (Jay) Rockefeller and ranking member Kay Bailey Hutchison from backing each other’s amendment and might sink both attempts.

Neither amendment seems likely to survive, as Republican complaints about the overall cost of the bill seem destined to make it difficult for anyone to add even more money.

Far more likely to be added is an amendment Rockefeller and Hutchison have joined forces on that would extend aviation funding and taxes until the end of the fiscal year. The funding and taxes are set to expire at the end of March.

That extension — and agreement by Rockefeller and Hutchison that aviation modernization funding should be in the stimulus — comes as lawmakers will try again this Congress to approve a multi-year FAA bill.

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LaHood creates team to coordinate stimulus spending

DOT press release:

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood today announced that he has created a team at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to coordinate the Department’s role in President Obama’s economic recovery program. The team will ensure that economic recovery funding is rapidly made available for transportation infrastructure projects and that project spending is monitored and transparent.

The team, known as the Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) team, is composed of officials from across the Department’s operating administrations and offices. The team is co-chaired by Lana Hurdle, deputy assistant secretary for budget and programs, and Joel Szabat, deputy assistant secretary for transportation policy.

“We created the TIGER team to make sure that DOT’s portion of recovery funding goes out to states and localities as quickly as possible in order to immediately create jobs and strengthen our economy and transportation systems,” Secretary LaHood said.

The team will identify and prioritize key highway, bridge, transit, rail, aviation and intermodal spending. The team also will develop reporting standards to accurately track the money as it is being spent and ensure that all accountability requirements are being met.

The Department’s chief economist and Performance Management Office will coordinate with the Office of Management and Budget and other White Office offices on the performance measures that will be used to track job creation and other indications of the impact of each infrastructure investment.

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NASA may receive $150m for NextGen work

from Flightglobal:

NASA’s work on the US air transport industry’s NextGen air traffic control system could see its annual budget more than doubled if President Barack Obama’s fiscal stimulus bill is passed.
Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill 2009 includes a provision to give NASA $600 million, with $400 million for climate science, $50 million for weather damage related NASA centre repairs and the remaining $150 million for NextGen.
NASA is being funded under its fiscal year 2009 budget. The US government’s financial year is October to October. The 2009 budget was to spend $74.6 million on NextGen. NASA declines to comment on the extra $150 million until the recovery bill becomes law.

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Sens. Rockefeller and Hutchison look to NextGen stimulus – but how much?

from NextGov:

Senate Commerce Committee leaders might seek to add funding to the economic stimulus package to begin modernizing the nation’s air traffic control system, as uncertainty continues over the timing and chances of a multiyear FAA modernization plan.

Senate Commerce Chairman John (Jay) Rockefeller and ranking member Kay Bailey Hutchison — who led the Aviation Subcommittee in the last Congress — “are in agreement that it would be an appropriate place to put in the stimulus bill some beginning help” for FAA’s Next Generation Air Transportation System, Hutchison said. The agency’s program is designed to transform the ground-based air traffic control system to a satellite-based system.

While details — including the amount of money — are being worked out, Rockefeller said, “I don’t think you have to put in a tremendous amount.”

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